
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

How Tefillin Work and Heisech HaDaas

Chassidus on Tefillin paraphrased from the Rebbe Maharid (a branch of Chabad that merged into Lubavitch):

The tefillin for the hand and the head are two separate mitzvos. Each has a distinct effect on the revelation of G-dliness in the world.

The tefilah shel yad brings down light from the the G-dly Emotive sefiros in Atzilus to the lower worlds of BiY"A.

This first draught downwards automatically brings about a second draught in even higher spheres, through the Divine tefillah shel rosh. The second draught is from the Ten Sefiros beyond Atzilus (which became the Crown of Atzilus) into the G-dly Intellectual sefiros of Atzilus.

If there is no speaking between the two tefillin, the custom among Chabad Chassidim and Sefardim is not to make the second blessing on the tefilah shel rosh. This is because a blessing draws down light into the world, and if there was no interruption, this draught was already accomplished by the first blessing, which automatically prompted the draught of the shel rosh.

However, speaking between the tefillin disrupts the flow from the Intellect to the Emotions of Atzilus, because of "Heisech HaDaas," interruption of the sefirah of Daas. This sefirah, the last of the Intellectual sefiros, binds the Intellect to the Emotions, and in human terms is characterized by intense mental attachment. Through thinking deeply about a piece of knowledge, the idea becomes absorbed in the emotions. If this is interrupted, the process of drawing down light must be reinitiated, and then the second blessing is required.

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