It is frequently mentioned in works of Kabbalah that the sefiros are expressions of G‑d, rather than parts of him. But if they are expressions, how can there be so many expressions of an utterly unified and unique being? The question is compounded by the unequivocal statements of the Rambam:
... This G‑d is one. He is not two or more, but one, unified in a manner which [surpasses] any unity that is found in the world; i.e., He is not one in the manner of a general category which includes many individual entities, nor one in the way that the body is divided into different portions and dimensions. Rather, He is unified, and there exists no unity similar to His in this world....
~ Hilchos Yesodei HaTorah 1:7
If He is utterly unified as the Rambam says, what gives rise to His varied "expressions"? How can a single, indivisible Cause have varied effects?