
Thursday, February 13, 2014

True Hope

To truly hope is to truly live. To be hopeless is to wander the earth in the shadow of death.

Without desire, there is no hope.

A true desire is something that can be achieved, but once achieved, continues on. This is because truth has no end.

Therefore, a true desire is not for a particular end goal, but for a journey of some sort. Of improving and increasing in something.

The desire then, should have no end. The desire is in the journey.

Yet, in order to maintain interest in the desire, it must consist of tasks that in fact do culminate in goals.

There is no desire without pleasure.

I must enjoy my desire. Furthermore, because this pleasure is necessary for desire, and desire is necessary for hope, and hope is necessary for life, this pleasure from my desire is not evil. In fact, not having pleasure in the desire would result in death - not having this pleasure is evil.

All this is so, provided that the desire itself is not evil.

What is evil? That which conceals truth. Good is that which reveals it. (Sometimes a revelation ultimately conceals, and sometimes a concealment ultimately reveals. Pirkei Avos says, "Who is wise? He who sees the result.")

When truth is concealed, chaos ensues. When truth is revealed, there appears order.

There exists good that appears evil, and evil that appears good. The essence of the thing is the final, cumulative result of all the steps. The ends do not always justify the means. If the end is to be good, despite initially appearing bad, the bad must be transformed to good when the conclusion is reached.

Truth unifies the beginning, middle and end; the inside, the wall and the outside. The middle, the wall, is the external manifestation of the inner motive, which transcends and unifies the three. The external hints to the internal. Falsehood hides the unity by denying the wall, causing a concealment of the internal; chaos is the conflict between the extremes. When the middle is known and the transcendent revealed, there is completeness, harmony and peace. This is the way of truth.

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